When I started this TpT journey almost two years ago, I started looking on YouTube for tips and tricks and I came across Becca's Music Room. She's the one that said to get started, you really need 50 products on your page. I believe she suggests you should crank out 50 products in your first month . Yikes. It's taken me two years. BUT I DID IT!!!! And that deserves a celebratory blog post.
Also, making $60 this month is really cool. Last year my TpT income average was $12 a month. This year my average is up to $24 a month. Wow. So, takeaway time. Get your number of products up and don't give up if it seems slow. You'll pick up eventually. Another thing Becca says in one of her videos is that products take a while to earn. I believe she said that products take a year an a half to really pick up sales. That's really discouraging in the beginning, but the fruits of your labor do come through.
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